Lyrics | |
These are the lyrics of the 1999 version of this song. You can find the lyrics of the 2009 version here. For the lyrics of the 2024 version, click here. | |
Japanese | Rōmaji |
唾液塗れにした |
Daeki mamire ni shita |
Translations | |
Translation on GAUZE-62045- | Translation on photo cards |
Covered in saliva, |
moist with saliva |
These lyrics were translated by an uncredited translator. |
- This song was often extended during live shows. The longest was 42 minutes, according to an interview in Haiiro no Ginka #52.
- This song was initially called 新曲1 (Shinkyoku 1) ("New Song 1") during Dir En Grey's indies days in 1997–98. Out of all indies songs, it kept its provisional name the longest, from May 1997 to October 1998. You can listen to the May 31, 1997, performance of the song here.
- In an interview on bayfm OVER HEAT DX, Kyo jokingly introduces the remix as もうこりごり (Mō Korigori) and もうさんざん (Mō Sanzan). Both means something along the lines of "I'm done" or "I've had enough".
- On the photo cards of Dir En Grey's three debut singles, fragments of an alternative translation of this song's lyrics can be found.
- In the album band score's sheet lyrics, the last kanji in the first verse (残酷絵) are read as ざんこくえ (zankoku-e), which is their correct reading. However, Kyo audibly sings げんじつえ (genjitsu-e).
- Likewise, the reading for the kanji 最後 (saigo) is mistakenly given as さご (sago).
- While the sheet lyrics give no reading for the word "PSYCHO", which is usually read as サイコ (saiko), it is given as サイト (saito) in a facts check published in BAZOOKA sys.2.
Release Title | Release Date | Song Title | Notes |
Audio | |||
アクロの丘 | 1999.01.20 | 残-ZAN- “D.P.Y. Mix” | Remixed version by Paul DeCarli. |
残-ZAN- | 1999.01.20 | 残-ZAN- | Single version. |
GAUZE | 1999.07.28 | Album version. | |
Video | |||
GAUZE-62045- | 1999.11.17 | 残-ZAN- | Music video. |
1999年12月18日大阪城ホール | 2000.02.16 | -I'll-~残-ZAN- | Preceeded by fakeout intro of -I'll-. Filmed on December 18, 1999 at 大阪城ホール. |
BLITZ 5DAYS DVD-BOX | 2004.03 | 残-ZAN- | Filmed on June 30, 2003 at 赤坂BLITZ. |
TOUR09 FEAST OF V SENSES | 2009.09 | Filmed on March 25, 2009 at 川崎CLUB CITTA'. | |
19990120 | 2024.01.17 | Filmed on July 30, 1999 at 尼崎ライブスクエア. |
- Song
- Song by Dir En Grey
- GAUZE (1999)
- Lyrics by 京
- Song With First Known Performance
- Song With PV
- Composed by 薫
- Song With Last Known Performance
- Lyrics Available
- Rōmaji Available
- Translation Available
- Song With Multiple Translations
- Song With Different Versions
- Translation by an uncredited translator
- Song With Title Variants