Lyrics | ||
These are the lyrics of the Japanese version of this song. You can find the lyrics of the English version here. | ||
Japanese | Rōmaji | Translation |
ブレ始めた視界 |
Bure hajimeta shikai |
My vision begins to blur |
These lyrics were translated by Jewels. |
- The working title of this song was 推定無罪 (Suiteimuzai), which means "Presumption of Innocence".
- Unlike DOZING GREEN, this song has only one translation, made for the single, with the English version receiving entirely new lyrics. The lyrics of DOZING GREEN were instead translated twice, once for the single and once for the album and the song's English version.
- As such, the album booklet doesn't actually include the translation of GLASS SKIN's lyrics. Interestingly, this wasn't changed for the Remastered & Expanded album, even though the English version doesn't appear on that album.
Release Title | Release Date | Song Title | Notes |
Audio | |||
GLASS SKIN | 2008.09.10 | GLASS SKIN | Single version. |
GLASS SKIN (European Promo CD) | 2008 | GLASS SKIN (Japanese Lyrics Ver.) | – |
UROBOROS | 2008.11.12 | GLASS SKIN (Japanese Lyrics Re-mastering) | Album version. |
TOUR08 THE ROSE TRIMS AGAIN | 2009.04.29 | GLASS SKIN | Recorded on October 18, 2008 at 新木場STUDIO COAST. |
UROBOROS [Remastered & Expanded] | 2012.01.11 | Remastered version. | |
DIR EN GREY Ambient Collection | 2020.09.18 | GLASS SKIN (Ambient Ver.) | Ambient version. |
Video | |||
UROBOROS | 2008.11.12 | GLASS SKIN | Music video. |
TOUR08 THE ROSE TRIMS AGAIN | 2009.04.29 | Filmed on October 18, 2008 at 新木場STUDIO COAST. | |
TOUR09 FEAST OF V SENSES | 2009.09 | Filmed on May 3, 2009 at 新木場STUDIO COAST. | |
AVERAGE BLASPHEMY | 2009.10.28 | Music video. | |
UROBOROS -with the proof in the name of living...- AT NIPPON BUDOKAN | 2010.05.26 | Filmed on January 9, 2010 at 日本武道館. | |
Filmed on January 10, 2010 at 日本武道館. | |||
TOUR16-17 FROM DEPRESSION TO ________ [mode of UROBOROS] | 2017.09.15 | Filmed on January 25, 2017 at なんばHatch. |