mazohyst of decadence
Lyrics | |
These are the lyrics of the 1999 version of this song. You can find the lyrics of the 2022 version here. | |
Japanese | Rōmaji |
生み落とされる子供 罪の意識の無い大人 落とされ |
Umiotosareru kodomo Tsumi no ishiki no nai otona Otosare |
Translations | |
Translation on GAUZE | Translation on AVERAGE PSYCHO |
A fetus is the product of irresponsible adults. |
A birth of a child An adult without a sense of guilt Dropped |
These lyrics were translated by an uncredited translator. |
- The studio version of this song has only been performed a total of four times, on September 15, 16 and 19, as well as December 18, 1999. Not counting DIABOLOS (Demo2010, Short Ver.), it's the song with the lowest number of performances out of all Dir En Grey songs.
- This song was initially called 新曲3 (Shinkyoku 3) ("New Song 3") during Dir En Grey's indies days in 1997–98. In SHOXX #59, the song is mistakenly called 新曲8 (Shinkyoku 8) on the setlist. By April 1998, the band had decided on the song's title, but wrote it in Katakana as マゾヒスト・オブ・デカダンス (Mazohisuto obu dekadansu). After the name "mazohyst of decadence" was established, magazines occasionally wrote it in all caps.
- "Mazohyst" is a corruption of "masochist".
- "Cage" is a placeholder for a word that is censored in the track. The censored word is 奇形児 (kikeiji), which means "deformed child".
- Interestingly, Kyo sings the き (ki), but the rest is censored with a beep. The Japanese pronounciation of "cage" is ケージ (kēji). If the two words are put together, they're pronounced キケージ (kikēji) or きけいじ (kikeiji).
- During live performances, Kyo doesn't censor the word.
- The spoken part wasn't included in the printed lyrics:
- 本当にこれでいいんですね (Hontō ni kore de iindesu ne) – Are you really sure about this?
- ハイ (Hai) – Yes.
- あなたは何人目ですか (Anata wa nanninme desu ka) – How many times have you had an abortion?
- 一人目です (Hitori-me desu) – This is the first time for me.
- 僕は数え切れない子供を殺しています (Boku wa kazoekirenai kodomo o koroshite imasu) – I've been involved in countess abortions, murders.
- あなたは許せますか・・・・・ (Anata wa yurusemasu ka…..) – Can you forgive me?
- もう一度聞きます (Mō ichido kikimasu) – I'm asking you one more time.
- 本当にこれでいいんですね (Hontō ni kore de iindesu ne) – Are you sure about this?
- ハイ (Hai) – Yes.
- 用意はいいですか (Yōi wa ii desu ka) – Are you ready?
- ハイ (Hai) – Yes.
- では始めましょう (Dewa hajimemashō) – Let's get started.
- The whole spoken part also served as the title for the live on December 18, 1999, which was released on VHS and DVD as 1999年12月18日大阪城ホール (1999-nen 12-gatsu 18-nichi Ōsaka-jō Hōru).
Release Title | Release Date | Song Title | Notes |
Audio | |||
GAUZE | 1999.07.28 | mazohyst of decadence | Regular version. |
TOUR14 PSYCHONNECT -mode of “GAUZE”?- | 2015.01 | Arranged version. Recorded on August 30, 2014 at 新木場STUDIO COAST. | |
Video | |||
GAUZE-62045- | 1999.11.17 | mazohyst of decadence | Music video. |
1999年12月18日大阪城ホール | 2000.02.16 | Filmed on December 18, 1999 at 大阪城ホール. | |
AVERAGE PSYCHO | 2005.07.27 | Music video. | |
TOUR2011 AGE QUOD AGIS VOL.1 [EUROPE & JAPAN] | 2012.06.20 | Arranged version. Filmed on November 8, 2011 at 新木場STUDIO COAST. | |
輪郭 | 2012.12.19 | Symphonic version. Filmed on November 11, 2011 at Tokyo Dome City Hall. | |
SUSTAIN THE UNTRUTH | 2014.01.22 | Arranged version. Filmed on May 24, 2013 at 渋谷公会堂. | |
TOUR13 GHOUL | 2014.04.23 | Arranged version. Filmed on September 19, 2013 at 横浜BLITZ. | |
TOUR14 PSYCHONNECT -mode of “GAUZE”?- | 2015.01 | Arranged version. Filmed on August 30, 2014 at 新木場STUDIO COAST. | |
TOUR24 PSYCHONNECT | 2025.01 | Arranged version. Filmed on June 26, 2024 at LINE CUBE SHIBUYA. |
- Song
- Song by Dir En Grey
- GAUZE (1999)
- Lyrics by 京
- Song With First Known Performance
- Song With PV
- Censored
- Composed by 薫
- Song With Last Known Performance
- Lyrics Available
- Rōmaji Available
- Translation Available
- Song With Multiple Translations
- Song With Lowercase Title
- Song With Different Versions
- Translation by an uncredited translator
- Song With Title Variants